Sunday 26 February 2017

The Importance of Dressing Professional for Work

Business attire has significantly changed and exploded to being one of the most key factors for the success of most companies. Some companies accept a more casual dress attire but that would be found in a more creative industry, whereas other companies require employees to dress and look professional because it creates a positive impression. For example, if you see a person in your workplace wearing flip flops, faded jeans or revealing clothes, they might think their expressing their individuality but their also sending the message that they’re not professional or serious about their work at all. 
 There’s a saying that says “Do not judge a book by its cover”, but unfortunately in the business world, that is exactly what happens so it is so important to dress accordingly because it speaks so much about the individual that you are and what you do.
The major reason why dressing in a proper attire is important is because it is recognized as being professional in the eyes of clients or business partners.
(DeNoncour, 2016)
·   Being Prepared
You never know when you have to meet someone outside your company. The way that you present yourself will be remembered by this person. Remember that first impressions are so important in any business environment. By dressing in the proper attire you will feel so much more comfortable and confident instead of feeling out of place.

     ·   When you look good, you feel good
Dressing professional is a major advantage not just for the company but for yourself. It influences how we feel about ourselves and the way we perform in the workplace. It’s so easy to swap your formal look for a pair of sweatpants or shirt that you know you will feel comfortable in but when you’re  professionally dressed you feel a sense of motivation to want to work harder. In addition, when you know you are dressed appropriately for work and will create a positive impression, it increases your self- confidence and this leads to you performing at your best.

     ·   Dressing professional can increase your chances of a promotion
According to a survey from OfficeTeam, eight in ten (80 percent) executives that were interviewed said that clothing choices affect an employee’s chances of earning a promotion (Wacky work wardrobes wearing thin, 2013). Since dressing professionally influences the way you feel in a positive way, this in turn helps you to perform well in your job which can increase your chances of getting promoted.
So let’s face it, the way you attire yourself for work is crucial for your career and the company that you work in and you only get one chance to make a professional and positive image about yourself.

10 reasons why you should dress for success in the workplace. (n.d.). Retrieved from Success Stories:
DeNoncour, L. (2016, December 6). Decode the dress code- Business casual vs Business professional. Retrieved from Nichols college:
Ebersole, G. (2015, March 3). Dress for Success: the importance of you workplace attire. Retrieved from Business Weekly:
Goman, C. K. (2012, March 20). What it really means to dress for success. Retrieved from Forbes:
Tumler, N. (2016, May 24). Style Guide- Why is it so important to dress for work? Retrieved from Academy Club:
Wacky work wardrobes wearing thin. (2013, May 16). Retrieved from OfficeTeam:

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